% Commands specific to Groningen linguistics dissertations % % 16/08/2011: Added ISBN at the bottom of promotores page; three columns allowed % 27/09/2017: Implemented thoroughly revised new-ish style (since 2015) % See http://www.rug.nl/education/phd-programmes/promotieregeling/instructionsandmodel-title-page.pdf % Looks like I may want to just redefine \TitlePage and \PromotorPage here, and call it done. \RequirePackage{graphicx} % Groningen specifies units of ``whitespace'' (vertical space) between sections. % This is less than the normal distance between lines (12pt for 10pt text), but % there's no other way to fit everything in one page (even with one-line title & subtitle) \newskip\onelineskip \onelineskip=10pt minus 2pt \renewcommand\TitlePage{% \newpage \begin{samepage}\thispagestyle{empty}% \vspace*{\onelineskip}% \includegraphics[height=2.03cm]{groningen-logo-en}\par \vskip 5\onelineskip \center \parindent=0pt \parsep=0pt \@ifundefined{@subtitle} {\ShowTitle{\@title}{}} {\ShowTitle{\@title}{\@subtitle}} \vskip 5\onelineskip minus 6pt % Squeeze a little if we're tight \@ifundefined{@subtitle} {\vskip2\onelineskip} % Skip 2 additional lines (for a total of 7) if no subtitle \relax {\large\textbf{\proefschrift@name}}\\[4\onelineskip] \@proefschrifttext \vskip 4\onelineskip by \vskip4\onelineskip {\Large \textbf{\@author}} \vskip \onelineskip born on \@geboren \\ \end{samepage}\newpage } % End of title page \def\TitleSize{\LARGE\textbf} \let\SubtitleSize=\Large \def\TitleStretch{1.2} \def\proefschrift@name{\Large\textbf{PhD thesis}} \proefschrifttext{to obtain the degree of PhD at the\\ University of Groningen\\ on the authority of the\\ Rector Magnificus \@rectormagnificus \\ and in accordance with\\ the decision by the College of Deans. \\[\onelineskip] This thesis will be defended in public on\\[\onelineskip] \@promotiondate } % Current as of 2015 \rectormagnificus{Prof. E. Sterken}