% SALT LaTeX style. Alexis Dimitriadis 2/28/99 (alexis.dimitriadis@let.uu.nl) % For the proceedings of the Semantics and Lingistic Theory Conference. % % Revised 5/18/01: Changed name to reflect the fact that it works for % any year (until the style sheet changes!). % Also made inconsequential changes to the file. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{salt}[2001/05/18 SALT Proceedings Style] % Pass all other options to the parent class \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}} \newcommand{\@sizeoption@err}{\ClassError{salt} {Cannot use size option \CurrentOption} {The SALT style requires (and automatically loads) 12pt text}} \DeclareOption{10pt}{\@sizeoption@err} \DeclareOption{11pt}{\@sizeoption@err} \ProcessOptions \LoadClass[12pt]{article} % Use this file INSTEAD of the `article' class: % \documentclass{salt} % % This class definition does not provide an example environment, or a % bibliography. % % TITLE BLOCK DIRECTIONS: % % To format your title and name, use the standard commands \title{...}, % \author{...}, the non-standard \affiliation{...}, and \maketitle. % % Use the standard command \thanks{...} if you want to provide an % acknowledgements endnote in the title. You can also call it as % \acknowledge{...}. % This file also defines the following for your convenience: % \fourteenpoint (actually same as \large) % \twelvepoint (actually same as \normalsize) % \tenpoint % When you need to skip one line, you can do it like this: % \vspace{\onelineskip} % or \\[\onelineskip] % % (End of the usage directions) % SOME UTILITIES \let\tenpoint=\footnotesize % (used below). Defined as 10pt in art12.sty. \let\twelvepoint=\normalsize \let\fourteenpoint=\large \let\bibfontsize=\twelvepoint % Used in the section definitions \newif\ifusingheadings \def\fixitalic{\let\it=\itshape} % This is what we use when the directions say to ``skip one line''. % One actual line, but with a bit of flex to help things fit. % \newskip\onelineskip \onelineskip=\baselineskip \advance\onelineskip by 0pt plus 4pt minus 2pt % Allow two tables at page bottom, not just one \setcounter{bottomnumber}{2} % 1. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS \pagestyle{empty} % No headers/footers or page numbers % 5. FONT \RequirePackage{times} % 6. MARGINS \topmargin = -0.5in % top margin 1in \textheight = 9in % bottom margin 1in \oddsidemargin = 0.5in % left margin 1.5in \evensidemargin = \oddsidemargin \textwidth = 5.5in % right margin 1.5in % 7. TITLE % Called by the standard \maketitle: % Format title block, then save title and author for use in the headers. % Be VERY CAREFUL about modifying this, it's very tricky to get the spacing % so it works right whether or not the title is followed by a section heading. % \def\@maketitle{{\centering \fourteenpoint\boldmath\bf\fixitalic \@title \par}% \vskip\onelineskip {\centering \twelvepoint\rm \def\and{and }\@author \par}% {\centering \twelvepoint\it \def\and{and }\@affiliation \par}% \vskip\onelineskip \global\everypar{\everypar{}\vskip 0pt\noindent}% the spacing magic % Now fix things up for the page headers % (not used in this style, but they could be). \@ifundefined{@pgauthor}{\shortauthor{\@author}}{}% \@ifundefined{@pgtitle}{\shorttitle{\@title}}{}{}} \def\affiliation#1{\gdef\@affiliation{#1}} \def\@affiliation{\@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\affiliation given}} % Restore pagestyle to empty (if no headers) after \maketitle stupidly sets % it to plain. Also restore \thanks \let\@sv@maketitle=\maketitle \def\maketitle{\@sv@maketitle \ifusingheadings\else\thispagestyle{empty}\fi \let\thanks=\acknowledge} % Set alternate author and title for headings (\maketitle disables \author, % \title). % \def\shortauthor#1{{\def\and{\& }\xdef\@pgauthor{\uppercase{#1}}}} % suppress \thanks properly (eat the argument) \def\shorttitle#1{{\def\thanks##1{}\xdef\@pgtitle{\uppercase{#1}}}} % 8. TEXT \parindent=0.5in \parskip=0pt % 9. EXAMPLES % Use your own example macros: Each example style must have its margins % adjusted in a different way. % % ``Example numbers should be at the left hand margin, not indented. Examples % should start at the 0.5 inch position, i.e. in line with your indented % paragraphs. In the case of several examples given under the same example % number, we suggest indenting to 0.5 inches, giving the subexample letter % (usually a., b., c., etc.), then indenting another 0.25 inches'' % (Your style will probably ignore the following settings:) \leftmargini=0.5in \leftmarginii=0.25in \renewenvironment{quote} {\list{}{\leftmargin=0.5in \rightmargin\leftmargin}% \item[]} {\endlist} % 10. SECTION HEADINGS % Top-level section numbers and titles are 12pt bold. % Subsections: 12pt, roman-font numbers, italic titles \newif\ifsubsection \def\section{\subsectionfalse\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}% {-2\onelineskip}{\onelineskip}{\raggedright\twelvepoint\bf\boldmath \fixitalic}} \def\any@subsection#1#2{\subsectiontrue\@startsection {#1}{#2}{\z@}% {-\onelineskip}{\onelineskip}{\raggedright\twelvepoint\it}} \def\subsection{\any@subsection{subsection}{2}} \def\subsubsection{\any@subsection{subsubsection}{3}} \def\paragraph{\any@subsection{paragraph}{4}} \def\subparagraph{\any@subsection{subparagraph}{5}} % Set two spaces after section numbers. % If it's a subsection, hack the font style to be roman % \def\@seccntformat#1{\ifsubsection\rm\fi\csname the#1\endcsname.~~} % ENDNOTES % Use endnotes, not footnotes \RequirePackage{endnotes} \let\footnote=\endnote \def\enotesize{\twelvepoint} \def\notesname{Endnotes} \def\enoteheading{\section*{\notesname}} \def\enoteformat{\par\noindent\hbox to \parindent{\@theenmark.\hfill}% \ignorespaces } % Handle acknowledgements as an endnote with no corresponding mark in the % title % \long\def\acknowledge#1{\addtoendnotes{\par\noindent\hbox to \parindent {*\hfill}\ignorespaces #1}} \let\thanks=\acknowledge % BIBLIOGRAPHY % Each bibliography package has its own quirks; format your own. \def\bibindent{0.5in}