%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARROWS FOR LINGUISTIC USES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (extracted from ling05.sty) %-------------------Move Arrows (from J.Frampton): \def\leaderfill{\leaders\hrule\hfil} \def\pointerup{\hbox to 0pt{\hss \vbox{\offinterlineskip\vskip-1pt\hbox{\elevenex\char'170}\null}\hss}} \def\pointerdown{\hbox to 0pt{\hss \vtop{\offinterlineskip\null\hbox{\elevenex\char'171}\vskip-1pt}\hss}} \def\spacer{\hskip4.5pt} \def\fillright#1{\hfil#1\leaderfill} \def\fillleft#1{\leaderfill#1\hfil} % Changed spelling to \centr, else conflicts with LaTeX \center{} -CT \def\centr#1{\leaderfill#1\leaderfill} \def\link#1{\multispan#1\leaderfill} \def\arrowalign#1{\vtop{\baselineskip=0pt \lineskiplimit=0pt \lineskip=2pt \halign{&##\cr#1}}} \font\elevenex=cmex10 scaled\magstephalf % just for the arrow! %PS: this may not work on some installations, not sure why. CT %%PPS: (e.g., PCTeX, but it works find works fine with EmTeX) %----------------END Move Arrows % Easy-to-use movement underarrows; does not do overlapping arrows, alas. % Built on Frampton's macros. % Use: \linkto Word \under (any number of words) \from Word2. (leftward) % To get: % Word (any number of Words) Word2. % ^__________________________| % % Or: \linkfrom Word \under (any number of words) \to Word2. (rightward). % Arguments 1 and 3 are space-terminated.% % % Alexis Dimitriadis, 9/1997-11/2000. % a bar with no arrowhead. Syntax: \pointernone [height dim] (default fill) \def\pointernone{\vrule depth 0pt} % Syntax: \depthstrut dim \def\depthstrut{\vrule width 0pt depth} % The omnibus linking engine for whatever we want (but no cross-linking!) % Syntax: left under right; left_post right_post; overstrike label % Left, under and right are the parts of the text above the arrows. % The "posts" are vertical lines or up arrows below left and right text. % The overstrike allows for movement that is blocked. % The label will be placed below the line. % There are no struts on the label row; add some to the label if it's used. % \def\@linkanything#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\hskip 0pt% \arrowalign{#1\depthstrut 0.5ex\cr \fillright{#4}&\multispan 1\leaderfill\llap{#6\hss}\leaderfill&\fillleft{#5}\hfil\cr &\hfil\llap{\scriptsize{#7}\hss}\depthstrut 3pt\hfil&\cr}} % The overstrike and label are centered on the \under portion of the text. % It would be better to center on the entire line, but at best we can center % on line + aligned-under words: %\def\@linkanything#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\hskip 0pt% % \arrowalign{#1\depthstrut 0.5ex\cr % \fillright{#4}&\multispan 1\leaderfill\llap{#6\hss}\leaderfill&\fillleft{#5}\hfil\cr % \multispan 3{\hfil \scriptsize#7\depthstrut 3pt\hfil}\cr}} % An overstrike character centered on the baseline (where the ruler is). % Redefine if needed for other fonts/sizes. \def\linkXsymbol{\raisebox{-0.54ex}{$\times$}} \def\linkfrom#1\under#2\to#3 {\@linkanything{#1}{#2}{#3 } {\pointernone}{\pointerup}{}{}} \def\linkto#1\under#2\from#3 {\@linkanything{#1}{#2}{#3 } {\pointerup}{\pointernone}{}{}} % SPECIALTIES: Roll your own as needed % Blocked leftward movement \def\xlinkto#1\under#2\from#3 {\@linkanything{#1}{#2}{#3 } {\pointerup}{\pointernone}{\linkXsymbol}{}} % Blocked movement, no direction (but also no label) \def\xlinknone#1\under#2\from#3 {\@linkanything{#1}{#2}{#3 } {\pointernone}{\pointernone}{\linkXsymbol}{}} % non-spacing variant: no space required after #3, % to make it possible to have a chain of links \def\nlinkto#1\under#2\from#3{\@linkanything{#1}{#2}{#3} {\pointerup}{\pointernone}{}{}} % Williams-style link: no arrow, and a subscripted label % Example: \Wlink{n/d}they \under think \from they are smart. % Syntax: label left under right (no arrowheads) \def\Wlink#1#2\under#3\from#4 {\@linkanything{#2 }{#3 }{#4 } {\pointernone height 1ex}{\pointernone}{}{#1}} %%%%---------- END Easy Movement Under-arrows