Single portrait of Hans Stockar

General information
Original location Schaffhausen, Switzerland (where the sitter lived)
Current location Schaffhausen, Museum zu Allerheiligen
Artist Anonymous
Date 1561 (mentioned on painting)
Material Oil on canvas
Visual elements
Short description Portrait of a bearded man, portrayed half-lenght, turned to the viewer's left. He carries a sword and a necklace with a Jerusalem cross
Depicted pilgrim
Personal information
Name Hans Stockar
Social status / profession Merchant; Took part for the Swiss mercenary armies in the battles of Pavia (1512), Novara, Dijon (1513), and Marignano (1515); Member of the city court of Schaffhausen (1520); Member of the greater city council (1523); Treasurer (Säckelmeister) of the city (1524); 'Reichsvogt' of the city (1530); Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
Coat of arms Upper right corner: early renaissance shield - an eagle on a branch
Text Top right, under coat of arms: Hans Stocker, Bilger des Heiligen Grabs Iesu Christi zu Hierusalem, S. Iacobus zu Combostel, und Rom. Anno 1561. Aetatis suae. Anno domini 15[?]
Year of pilgrimage 1519
Attributes Jerusalem pilgrimage Jerusalem cross (above his head); Necklace with golden Jerusalem cross around his neck
Other known pilgrimages Rome; Santiago (1517) (both mentioned on the painting)
Attributed other pilgrimages Papal tiara and crossed keys (above his head)
Travel report Hans Stockar wrote a report of his Jerusalem pilgrimage, which was followed by a chronicle until 1529. See the edition by Karl Schib.
Year of death 1556, in Schaffhausen
Additional information relating to this person
Remarks Hans Stockar also left a medal, showing his portrait in profile on the front and his arms and signs of his three pilgrimages on the back (Schaffhausen, Museum Allerheiligen)
Additional information
  • Schib, Karl, Hans Stockars Jerusalemfahrt und Chronik, 1520-1529 (Basel 1949)
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