Single portrait of Peter Füssli

General information
Original location Zurich, Switzerland (where the sitter lived)
Current location Unknown
Artist Hans Asper (mentioned on painting)
Date 1535 (mentioned on painting)
Visual elements
Short description Portrait of a bearded man, portrayed half-lenght, turned to the viewer's right. He carries a hat, and holds a rosary in his right hand. Above his head various signs of visited holy places are depicted.
Depicted pilgrim
Personal information
Name Peter Füssli
Social status / profession Bellfounder in Zurich; Leader of the Swiss mercenary armies in the Italian wars (from 1514), notably the battle of Marignano (1515), and the battles for pope Leo X (1521-1522); Leader of the artillery of the Zurich army in the battle of Kappel (1531); Member of the Zurich city council (1518-1528); Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
Date of pilgrimage 9 May 1523 - 27 January 1524
Attributes Jerusalem pilgrimage Above his head: Jerusalem cross, Baptism of Christ in the river Jordan
Other known pilgrimages Rome (visited in 1521, while in the armies of pope Leo X); Loreto; Santiago?
Attributed other pilgrimages Above his head: Crossed keys and Veil of Veronica (Rome), House of the Virgin Mary carried by angels (Loreto), Staff and bag with scallop of St James (?), Garment (shroud of Turin?), Ascension of Jesus (?)
Travel report Peter Füssli wrote a report of his Jerusalem pilgrimage, and a letter on the fall of Rhodes (1522) (MS Zurich, Zentralbibliothek, Hs. A 61).
Year of death 1548
Additional information
  • Füssli, Peter, 'Peter Füesslis Jerusalemfahrt 1523 und Brief über den Fall von Rhodos 1522', ed. by Leza M. Uffer, Mitteilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zürich 50/3 (1982)
  • Ganz-Blättler, Ursula, Andacht und Abenteuer. Berichte europäischer Jerusalem- und Santiago-Pilger (1320-1520) (Tübingen 1990), p. 412
  • Kraack, Detlev, Monumentale Zeugnisse der spätmittelalterlichen Adelsreise. Inschriften und Graffiti des 14. - 16. Jahrhunderts (Göttingen 1997), pp. 71, 102
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