The floor slabs of Oudewater

10. Floor slab of Adriaen Goesenz.



MeMO memorial object ID:


Commemorated party:

Adriaen Goesenz. is recorded in 1564 as being a member of the Oudewater town council. His daughter Marya also has a slab in the north aisle of the same church.

Current location:

West end of the central nave (middenkerk)

Original location:

The register of graves records this slab as situated in row 1 (grave 11) of the choir of Our Lady (R1 G11)

Short description:

Rectangular 'headstone' (hooftstuck) featuring two lines of inscription above, and below in the centre a circular medallion with a shield


The slab is complete, but worn in places, especially the left side


Blue limestone


50 x 75 cm


'Adriaen Goesenz. sterf anno 1574'


Adriaen Goesenz. died in the year 1574




Shield with two wavy bars, lozenges 2 and 1

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1. Jacob Hugenz. van Swieten et al.

2. Celi van Zijl and Alijt van Swieten

3. Jannichgen, widow of Dirck Jan Luijten

4. Elyzabet, widow of Jacob Gerritz., and her sister Eugen

5. Willem and Jan Ghijsbart Janz. van der Laen

6. Jacob Janz. van der Hoech

7. Clemens Willemsdochter

8. Fye, widow of Henrick Ghijsbertz.

9. A member of the Van der Heede family and Herman Ludolfz.

10. Adriaen Goesenz.

11. Marya Aedryen Goesenz. dochter

12. Cornelis Dirck Janz. and his wife

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Last updated on: 24 June 2014.